How to maintain an efficient team of remote software developers in 2021?
Enbisys has always been proud of our ability to focus on the clients’ business goals in custom software development. One of our priorities for customers has always been having the entire development team in-house. The main idea behind the distributed team model is that our developers are integrated in the client’s software development process, with daily communications and standups so the entire process runs smoothly and most efficiently. Having the entire team at the same location helps build a strong and motivated team and gives the customer the feeling of control over their dedicated team.
However, such an approach has its limitations if the company is at a remote location with the population under 1 mln people. 2020 has proved that it’s possible to strengthen development teams with skilled engineers from other cities and even countries. In order to provide the same quality and competencies of remote team members for our customers, we have developed some guidelines for working with remote developers, thus, expanding our hiring possibilities to a great extent. Now we are able to provide additional competencies for our clients while retaining the level of control and skills of our developers. Now let’s get to the details, how hiring and managing of remote developers works at ENBISYS.
Market conditions
With COVID-19 pandemic, working remotely has become a new norm and a skill that everyone has mastered to a certain extent. Being able to work from home has broadened the possibilities of candidates looking for jobs. Before, they were mainly focused on the local market, and now skillful candidates can consider offers across Russia and beyond. Оn the one hand, it leads to higher competition between employers for each candidate in the local market. And on the other hand, the candidate market has become significantly larger for those companies who are ready to hire remotely. When hiring in the local market only, our possibilities are quite limited, but with an extended search area, we are capable of reaching the most qualified candidates.
The hiring process at ENBISYS
We do not look for freelancers skipping from one project to another. Our goal is to hire the people who’d share our culture and feel like a part of the team. We do not hire for a specifiс project but for the Company as a whole. This means that the remote employee will be rotated between projects to boost growth like any regular team player. To be able to do that, we need to make sure we hire the high-quality candidates who will stick around, understand their mission and value they bring to the company.
The more candidates we have at the top of the hiring funnel, the more high-quality candidates we’ll have at the bottom of it. So when we do the screening at the nationwide level, our possibilities are practically unlimited. Whereas, when looking for local candidates only, we are significantly limited, with a considerable drop in the candidate quality. As you can see from the image, only 2 out of 314 candidates screened were able to make it to the final interview with the Client, meaning our acceptance rate is under 1%.
Selection criteria
Each candidate is tested for technical knowledge during an interview with the Team Lead who prepares questions about the specifics of his/her background. We do our homework on each candidate and come to the interview with prepared questions and cases, ready to go deeper into each particular set of knowledge and experiences. It’s not just the candidates’ technical skills that we evaluate, but also their soft skills and culture fit. We use various evaluation techniques as well as a case-based approach and projective questions. It is of critical importance that the candidates share our values, so we take the time to question them on their previous experiences working in a team, as well as their perspectives on continuous improvement and customer-oriented mindset.
Onboarding process
After the right people are hired, it is time to integrate them into our processes and corporate practices. Onboarding is the process of helping new hires adjust to the social and performance aspects of their new jobs quickly and smoothly. It is the way for new employees to acquire essential skills, knowledge, and abilities, get fit within an organizational culture and become a reliable team player.
We believe that adaptation is a crucial period for every newcomer and choosing the right approach leads to maximum efficiency at work. Adapting new hires and integrating them into the team is a joint work of HR and Team Lead. With remote employees, this process becomes even more important.
We want our remote employees to feel like a part of the team, so we integrate them into all internal communication processes. New people spend the first two weeks of onboarding in our Tomsk office. This way, they can easily adapt to our processes. Besides, in-person contact is always better for teamwork.
We take care of the plane tickets and accommodation. Later on, remote employees may travel to Tomsk for occasional business trips. Some projects also require trips to the Netherlands for two weeks per year.
Performance Review
Performance management is the process of improving employee performance by setting individual and team goals which are aligned to the strategic goals of the organisation. It is the process where we review and assess progress, develop the knowledge, skills, and abilities of people. Performance management is the big contributor to organizational effectiveness.
Performance review is a formal assessment in which a manager evaluates an employee’s work, identifies strengths and weaknesses, offers feedback, and sets goals for the future. Performance management is the big contributor to ENBISYS organizational effectiveness.
According to the results of our HR survey of employee job satisfaction, the most important factors for IT specialists are “The ability to grow professionally” and “ Work responsibilities (what exactly I do)”.
Thus, this system helps us to clearly identify job responsibilities, mutual expectations, and a transparent plan of personal development. That leads to employee’s motivation increase and engagement at work. So we have manageable growth of people, teams and company, become more productive and our customers are satisfied.
360-degree feedback is an assessment of the most important competencies and characteristics in an employee’s work by receiving feedback on his work from himself (self-assessment), his manager, colleagues, subordinates and clients.
Individual Development Plan is a tool that helps an employee to systematically and purposefully develop the necessary skills and qualities. It describes development goals and specific actions to achieve the set goals.
We conduct a Performance Review every half a year for each employee. Based on our experience, 6 months is the best period of time to master new competence or technology and stay up-to-date.
Two weeks before the performance review HR announces its launch. We gather 360-degree feedback from the workmates. Everyone who should evaluate gets access to our certification program where it’s easy to answer questions, give feedback and evaluate competencies.
Next step is a performance review meeting, where HR, Team Lead and employee discuss 360-feedback, talk about cases, mutual expectations and plan improvements.
After that, the employee and the Team Lead have one week to build an Individual Development Plan for the next 6 months. It’s a dynamic document, which can be updated as needed. In this plan we try to synchronize the goals of ENBISYS, the сlients and ENBISYS employees.
We also suggest everyone check in the progress every month and make alignments.
Retention and motivation
HR-processes at ENBISYS are designed to create a positive experience for all employees. Next to Onboarding and Performance Management System, we have quarterly Health Checks to assess the employees’ resourceful state and track their professional development both from personal and team perspective to boost the Company’s efficiency.
We pay very close attention to the comfortable work environment providing team players with all the equipment they need in the office. The same policy applies to our employees’ home offices, where they can get the equipment and even furniture to make their work comfortable and productive.
The sense of belonging is important too, so all remote developers get the same amount of merchandise and corporate presents. They also participate in all corporate activities both online and in-person. We make sure they get the same experience as any regular in-house employee.
When hiring remote employees, we want them to become a part of our team as soon as possible. Each team member must feel comfortable with our processes and culture and we are totally interested in building long-term and transparent working relationships.
What do we get in return? If we do not stick to our geographic location and extend the search area to other cities and countries, we do not get to pick from whatever candidates are available locally. We are capable of hand-picking the most qualified engineers with exactly the right skill sets, who match the Client’s expectations on both the hard and the soft skills. As the result we get:
- best specialists for fair rates
- high level of engagement (4,01 — active engagement based on Gallup poll)
- high level of job satisfaction (86,7%)
- high level of employees’ motivation (76%)
- low employee turnover
- better business administration
- we are more competitive on market
We are especially proud of the fact that our Clients highly estimate our HR expertise and they take on our experience as the basis for their own performance management and HR practices. If you are interested in learning more about how our business processes work, we’d be happy to help.